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The importance of planning business visits

The importance of planning commercial visits.

All sales teams aim to increase their sales, and the Iberdin team is no exception. For this, it is necessary to define your action strategy in order to achieve your goals efficiently.

Market prospecting, offering new products to existing customers, visit planning through the definition of itineraries, are some of the topics we will address.

What is it and how to plan customer visits?

Planning customer visits is nothing more than defining action strategies in order to win new customers and mark even more presence in the ones we already have.

Scheduling meetings with potential customers in advance, knowing some topics about the customer before meeting, defining visit itineraries, among others, can help in greater productivity and success.

How to sell more during visits?

Once you’ve defined your visit itinerary, start by analyzing your list of current and potential customers.

In order to make a more assertive commercial approach, you should collect as much information about your customers as possible. That way you can direct your communication more effectively.

What are the main strategies to sell more during commercial visits?

Define the Ideal Consumer Profile (PIC)

The Ideal Consumer Profile of a business is defined based on:

  • Does the customer identify with your company?
  • Does the customer see their needs met through the products/services marketed by your company?
  • Do the products/services add value to the customer?

One of the ways to determine the PIC is through your existing customers, and for this you must answer some questions:

  • How are my current customers segmented?
  • Which ones were more successful?
  • What is the average interaction of your customers?
  • Customer geographic location?
  • Company Structure?
  • Years of existence in the market?
  • Sales Cycle?

After answering these first questions, and based on the answers and data obtained, you will be able to start defining your ideal consumer profile (ICP).

You can also create your business persona to have even more information and thus help the sales team to better identify who the purchase decision makers are.

Define commercial visit itinerary criteria

Defining criteria is just as important as defining your PIC.

How will salespeople know what priority to give customers? During your visits, which customers should you approach first?

To help clarify these issues, the ideal is to define the order of service by geographic location.

Thus, sellers will be able to monetize their time more effectively and assertively.

If your company wants to achieve good financial results, defining these criteria is an essential activity.

During this commercial itinerary planning, think about the most strategic customers, those with a greater volume of purchases, those that are prioritized due to their size.

And, to correctly define these criteria, take into account your business segment and the PIC of your business.

Count on the support of software and sales platforms

Some software and platforms have the technology needed to support the sales team throughout the sales cycle to certain customers.

According to the investment power of the companies, we can find several online platforms where the follow-up of the sales team can be more or less detailed.

It is important to analyze your customer base, what you want to grow in the near future and choose the platform that best suits you. Most of these platforms have Free Trial which allows you to test before making a decision.

Make a customized commercial approach by customer type

Customizing a business approach is of utmost importance. Do not standardize it, at the risk of approaching the customer in an ineffective way.

The needs change according to the type and size of the customer. It is important that you have the entire history of your customers on file (visit, quotes, sales, etc.), so that you can consult them later.

And, whenever possible, analyze the entire history of customers to base future approaches based on the data collected.

Approach your customers more assertively and effectively and boost sales results.

Good Business!

Rita Santos
Marketing & Operations Manager
+351 918778634
